Clinical Relevance of Complex Chromosomal Aberrations

Cryptic translocation t(12;21)(p13;q22) which give origin to the ETV6/RUNX1 hybrid gene can be found by I-FISH in approximately 20-25% of children with B precursor ALL as the most frequent specific aberration. This translocation is generally associated with good outcome. Despite of its favorable prognostic value, late relapses may occur within this group of patients.
The effect of artificial bezoar (bovine gallstone powder) on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer

Bile pigments, including bilirubin and biliverdin, contribute importantly to the defense against oxidative stress. Moreover, recent clinical studies suggest that mildly elevated serum bilirubin levels might protect from certain forms of cancer. Artificial bezoar (powdered bovine gallstones, also known as Niu Huang, or Calculus bovis) is used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In the present experimental study, we investigated the effect of artificial bezoar on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer.
Exocrine Pancreatic Function Test 13C-Mixed Triglyceride Breath Test

Chronic pancreatitis could be well diagnosed by histopathology, but for clinical purposes, differential diagnostics and patient follow-up we use mainly imaging procedures and non-invasive pancreatic function tests, if available. In this study we report the 4 years experiences with noninvasive test of exocrine pancreatic function - breath test with 13C-mixed triglycerides (MTG-BT). libators, the mean difference was 4.9% (Pearson
The Role of IgA and IgG Classes of anti-tissue Transglutaminase in Coeliac Screening

In this study we compared different algorithms using four serology markers of CD in a group of 1451 patients. The correlation of two ELISA methods (Genesis, DPC Millenia) of atTG IgA class was high (r = 0.930), correlations of at TG (DPC) and antigliadin (AG) antibodies were significantly higher in the IgA class than IgG class, Spearman’s coeff. were 0.607 and 0.423 respectively. The clinical benefit of IgG atTG antibodies determination could be exhibited by 7 cases highly positive in IgG class but negative in IgA class of atTG, or by 5 cases in the screening strategy positive with IgG atTG from 78 cases negative in all IgA class antibodies (AGA, EmA, atTG).
Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of 13C-Breath Test Evaluated by NDIRS Infrared Spectrometry

This study summarizes pre-and post-analytical aspects of the 13C-breath-test(BT) evaluated by means of isotope selective nondispersive infrared spectrometry(NDIRS) -Isomax 4000 (Isodiagnostika). Moreover, the sources of inaccuracy in test results are identified: (a) uncertain baseline 13C abundance, (b) inaccuracy of the spectrometer, and (c) uncertainty in CO2production, which also burden cummulative BT where IR/IRMS measuring instruments are used.
Contribution of molecular cytogenetic analyses to diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain tumours

Diffuse gliomas are heterogeneous group of central nervous system tumours with various histological subtypes that differ in their response to treatment and in the prognosis of the disease. The most frequent are tumors derived from astrocytes and/or from oligodendrocytes. Differentiation of glial subtypes based solely on morphology is subjective and also treatment (actinotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery) is rather problematic.
Hypertext Encyclopedia of Laboratory Methods on the web and CD-ROM

Textbooks, lectures and other educational textsprepared in last years are on-line (mostly in Czech language) available on WWW server of 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague on URL: presentaion is concerned to our last project of hypertext, multimedia encyclopedia of laboratory methods -GastroLab(URL: pilot chapter is focused to gastroenterology. There are 47 laboratory methods, described in concise text, supplemented with 38 PowerPoint images, 237 on-line linksto last scientific papers (MEDLINE database) and direct links into National Registry of Laboratory Methods (NCLP = National Reference Table of Laboratory Items) on the server of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic -URL: GastroLab is now included into another hypertext project -Encyclopedia of Laboratory Medicine. This CD-ROM publication was issued in December 2002, 2nd updated edition will be ready in June 2003, edited by prof. A. Jabor at co-workers (Institute of Postgraduate Education).
Ultrasonography - diagnostics in medicine

A presentation discusses usage of ultrasound imaging as diagnostic method in medicine. In the beginning basic physical principles of ultrasound are presented. Then we show different ultrasound findings (images) which represent basic types of ultrasound examination. Part of not reflected waves goes through the boundary and changes its direction in the same ratio as the ratio between propagation velocities in the environments in question.
Polymorphisms in interleukin-1 gene cluster are associated with increased risk of alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Účel studie: V patogenezi alkoholické jaterní cirhózy (ALC) hrají významnou úlohu zánětlivé cytokiny tumor necrosis factor alfa (TNF-?) a interleukin 1-beta (IL-1?). Haplotyp [-511C; -31T] promotoru genu IL-1B a variabilní počet tandemových repetic délky 86-bp ve 2. intronu genu pro receptorového antagonistu IL-1 (IL-1RN) zvyšují transkripci genu pro IL-1B. Cílem studie bylo ověřit, zda tyto polymorfismy v genovém clusteru IL-1 ovlivní riziko ALC.
Cardiac output measurement - Thermodilution

Interactive Flash animation demonstrating the principles of thermodilution measurement of cardiac output. (flash animation). Measuring cardiac output is of paramount importance in the management of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit and of 'high risk' surgical patients in the operating room. Alternatives to thermodilution are now available and are gaining acceptance among practitioners who have been trained almost exclusively in the use of the pulmonary artery catheter.