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Author: Milan Tuček
Occupational hygiene is discipline recognizing, evaluating and controlling occupational health hazards and about practical risk assessment in the workplace (exposure assessment). The risk assessment in principle consists essentially of an identification of the present hazards and an estimate of the extent of the risks involved taking into account whatever precautions already have been taken. Many think of the term „risk assessment“ as belonging primarily to the environmental community; however, if you are a practicing industrial hygiene professional, you are already doing risk assessment. Risk assessment has been broadly defined as the methodology that predicts the likelihood of numerous unwanted events, including industrial explosions, workplace injurie, natural catastrophes, injury of death due to an array of voluntary activities (e.g., skiing, sky driving), diseases (e.g., cancer, developmental toxicity caused by chemical exposure), death due to natural causes (e.g., heart attack, cancer) and death caused by lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, alcoholism, diet). As a tool for health risk assessment a system of categorization of work operations has been established in the Czech Republic.
Author: Jana Heczková
Study text for 1st year Medical and 2nd year Dentistry students. Include followinf parts: Introduction to First Aid (Primary Assessment; Secondary Assessment), Injuries and Environmental Emergencies (Schock; Bleeding; Burns; Head injuries; Spinal injuries; Chest injuries; Abdominal injuries; Bone, joint, muscle injuries and open wounds), BLS - Adult (Primary Assessment, BLS sequences), BLS - Child (Primary Assessment, BLS sequences), BLS in Special Circumstances (FBAO sequences, Drowning, Different forms of ventilation), Medical Emergencies (Anaphylaxis, Cardiac emergencies, Asthma and COPD, Stroke, Seizures, Diabetic emergencies, Poisoning).
Author: Josef Martiňák
Web http://science.lf1.cuni.cz contains information of scientific and research activities of departments and institutes of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. This site can help foreign universities find partners for their research projects. Each workplace shows contacts, website's URL, bibliography and the summary of its research activities.
Úvodní lekce první pomoci pro 1. ročník studentů všeobecného lékařství anglické paralélky
First lesson of first aid for 1st year students of general medicine and 2nd year students of dentistry
Author: David Cibula, Tomáš Herrmann
ESGO supports initiatives in postgraduate education in gynaecological oncology in Europe. The movies features an excellent demonstration of the individual steps of the common abdominal procedures in gynaecological ontology as performed in the one centre. It does not claim to show 'correct' or 'definitive' approach but is an honest attempt to provide a valuable tool for training and discussion.
Author: Lukáš Lambert
A web based atlas of thousands of radiological images grouped into clinical cases with concise description of the case and the finding. Images are grouped according to topography, organ, and modality. A number of images have set a skill level to guide pregraduate students. Numerous keywords link to their respective cases. The atlas issues a Google gadget "Radiology case of the day", which displays every day a different imaging case on your desktop.
Author: Libor Vítek
Bilirubin, the principle bile pigment, is the end product of heme catabolism. For many years, bilirubin was thought to have no physiological function other than that of a waste product of heme catabolism – useless at best and toxic at worst. Although hyperbilirubinemia in neonates has been shown to be neurotoxic, studies performed during the past decade have found that bilirubin has a number of new and interesting biochemical and biological properties. In addition, there is now a strong body of evidence suggesting that bilirubin may have a beneficial role in preventing oxidative changes in a number of diseases including atherosclerosis and cancer, as well as a number of inflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative diseases.
Author: Libor Vítek, Jaroslav Zelenka, Martin Leníček, Marie Zadinová, Milan Jirsa
Bile pigments, including bilirubin and biliverdin, contribute importantly to the defense against oxidative stress. Moreover, recent clinical studies suggest that mildly elevated serum bilirubin levels might protect from certain forms of cancer. Artificial bezoar (powdered bovine gallstones, also known as Niu Huang, or Calculus bovis) is used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In the present experimental study, we investigated the effect of artificial bezoar on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer.