In this study we compared different algorithms using four serology markers of CD in a group of 1451 patients. The correlation of two ELISA methods (Genesis, DPC Millenia) of atTG IgA class was high (r = 0.930), correlations of at TG (DPC) and antigliadin (AG) antibodies were significantly higher in the IgA class than IgG class, Spearman’s coeff. were 0.607 and 0.423 respectively. The clinical benefit of IgG atTG antibodies determination could be exhibited by 7 cases highly positive in IgG class but negative in IgA class of atTG, or by 5 cases in the screening strategy positive with IgG atTG from 78 cases negative in all IgA class antibodies (AGA, EmA, atTG).
ELISA determination of IgA atTG with human antigen could raise the specificity especially in screening of patients with other autoimmune diseases. ELISA determination of IgG class of atTG could be recommended as additional serology marker of silent coeliac disease especially in IgA deficiency and other cases with negative EmA or IgA-atTG antibodies. Study was partially supported by grant projects GAUK 68/1999/C and IGA MZČR NI/5246-3.
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The Role of IgA & IgG Classes of anti-tissue Transglutaminase in Coeliac Screening | 1.2.2007 | 326 KB | anyone | – |
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Keywords: celiac disease, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin G, transglutaminasy, screening, Coeliac disease, Tissue transglutaminase, IgA, IgG, Antibodies, Screening
citation: Petr Kocna, Zdislava Vaníčková, Miloš Dvořák, Jindřiška Perušičová: The Role of IgA and IgG Classes of anti-tissue Transglutaminase in Coeliac Screening. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of 1-st Faculty of Medicine - Charles University [online] , [cit. 18. 01. 2025]. Available from WWW: ISSN 1803-6619.