First Aid - study text
Study text for 1st year Medical and 2nd year Dentistry students. Include followinf parts: Introduction to First Aid (Primary Assessment; Secondary Assessment), Injuries and Environmental Emergencies (Schock; Bleeding; Burns; Head injuries; Spinal injuries; Chest injuries; Abdominal injuries; Bone, joint, muscle injuries and open wounds), BLS - Adult (Primary Assessment, BLS sequences), BLS - Child (Primary Assessment, BLS sequences), BLS in Special Circumstances (FBAO sequences, Drowning, Different forms of ventilation), Medical Emergencies (Anaphylaxis, Cardiac emergencies, Asthma and COPD, Stroke, Seizures, Diabetic emergencies, Poisoning).
Cariology I & II

Cariology I: An introductory cariology lecture providing an overview of the subject, studying resources and current epidemiological situation regarding dental caries. Cariology is responsible for the under- and postgraduate dental training in caries prevention, in restorative dentistry (with filling materials) and in endodontology. Other areas of cariology comprise, e.g. dental erosion, diet, developmental defects in teeth, saliva, oral health care products, and the microbiology and immunology of dental caries.
Cariology 2: Overview of phylogenesis and ontogenesis of oral cavity and basic issues related to the physiology and microbiology of oral cavity environment. Overview of phylogenesis and ontogenesis of oral cavity and basic issues related to the physiology and microbiology of oral cavity environment. Cariology is responsible for the under- and postgraduate dental training in caries prevention, in restorative dentistry (with filling materials) and in endodontology. Other areas of cariology comprise, e.g. dental erosion, diet, developmental defects in teeth, saliva, oral health care products, and the microbiology and immunology of dental caries.
Metabolic Rate Calculator

Baed on findings of measurements of metabolism on huge samples of healthy population, empirical formulas were suggested that enable to calculate expected basal metabolic rate from age, sex and body size. Use the calculator to find your expected basal metabolism. Baed on findings of measurements of metabolism on huge samples of healthy population, empirical formulas were suggested that enable to calculate expected basal metabolic rate from age, sex and body size. Use the calculator to find your expected basal metabolism.
Venereology part 1. 2.

Clinical symptoms of acqiured syphilis, sexual transmitted infections, skin disease in AIDS, florid secondary syphilis in patient with HIV positive test. Electronic document is available on the Educational portal of 1 Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, students and those interested in the field of acute medicine. Attached file can be downloaded on the local computer. Supplementary materials than allowed to edit without the consent of the author.
Ultrasonography - diagnostics in medicine

A presentation discusses usage of ultrasound imaging as diagnostic method in medicine. In the beginning basic physical principles of ultrasound are presented. Then we show different ultrasound findings (images) which represent basic types of ultrasound examination. Part of not reflected waves goes through the boundary and changes its direction in the same ratio as the ratio between propagation velocities in the environments in question.
Collecting of mycological skin specimens
This chapter shows the collecting of skin scrapings, nail debris and hairs for mycological examination. First, the lesion is cleaned by 70% alcohol to remove the contaminating molds. Scales are scraped from the active margin of the lesion. A fairly large amount of material is required for proper examination. In onychomycosis, thescrapings are taken from under the nail plate.
Clinical pictures of dermatomycoses
This presentation shows clinical pictures of superficial mycoses of the skin, nails and hair, together with principal differential diagnoses. Tinea of the scalp and beard: Kerion Celsi – a deep form of tinea of the scalp with purulent in fioltrates. Differentiation from a bacterial infection (carbuncle) isdifficult. Tinea barbae profunda (sycosisparasitaria) = mycotic folliculitis of the beard.
Respiratory insufficiency

The topic of this workshop is respiratory insufficiency, lecture is based on physiology, pathophysiology and clinical picture. Respiratory insufficiency: The condition in which the lungs cannot take in sufficient oxygen or expell sufficient carbon dioxide to meet the needs of the cells of the body. Also called pulmonary insufficiency.
Gross Anatomy Dissection Videos

This page contains links to short video demonstrations of regional anatomy of human body. An attention is fixed to those regions which are the subjects of dissection course. The videos are recommended for revision of your knowledge before dissection courses and practical part of the final exam. To enter this page you need your SIS login and password.
Occupational health risk assessment

Occupational hygiene is discipline recognizing, evaluating and controlling occupational health hazards and about practical risk assessment in the workplace (exposure assessment). The risk assessment in principle consists essentially of an identification of the present hazards and an estimate of the extent of the risks involved taking into account whatever precautions already have been taken. Many think of the term „risk assessment“ as belonging primarily to the environmental community; however, if you are a practicing industrial hygiene professional, you are already doing risk assessment. Risk assessment has been broadly defined as the methodology that predicts the likelihood of numerous unwanted events, including industrial explosions, workplace injurie, natural catastrophes, injury of death due to an array of voluntary activities (e.g., skiing, sky driving), diseases (e.g., cancer, developmental toxicity caused by chemical exposure), death due to natural causes (e.g., heart attack, cancer) and death caused by lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, alcoholism, diet). As a tool for health risk assessment a system of categorization of work operations has been established in the Czech Republic.