Clinical pictures of dermatomycoses
This presentation shows clinical pictures of superficial mycoses of the skin, nails and hair, together with principal differential diagnoses. Tinea of the scalp and beard: Kerion Celsi – a deep form of tinea of the scalp with purulent in fioltrates. Differentiation from a bacterial infection (carbuncle) isdifficult. Tinea barbae profunda (sycosisparasitaria) = mycotic folliculitis of the beard.
Clinical Relevance of Complex Chromosomal Aberrations

Cryptic translocation t(12;21)(p13;q22) which give origin to the ETV6/RUNX1 hybrid gene can be found by I-FISH in approximately 20-25% of children with B precursor ALL as the most frequent specific aberration. This translocation is generally associated with good outcome. Despite of its favorable prognostic value, late relapses may occur within this group of patients.
Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of 13C-Breath Test Evaluated by NDIRS Infrared Spectrometry

This study summarizes pre-and post-analytical aspects of the 13C-breath-test(BT) evaluated by means of isotope selective nondispersive infrared spectrometry(NDIRS) -Isomax 4000 (Isodiagnostika). Moreover, the sources of inaccuracy in test results are identified: (a) uncertain baseline 13C abundance, (b) inaccuracy of the spectrometer, and (c) uncertainty in CO2production, which also burden cummulative BT where IR/IRMS measuring instruments are used.
.. course provides insight into the clinical pictures, diagnosis and therapy of superficial.. .. course provides insight into the clinical pictures, diagnosis and therapy of superficial mycoses of.. ..keywords: clinical pictures, diagnosis,.. ..keywords: clinical pictures, diagnosis,.. ..keywords: clinical pictures, diagnosis,.. ..keywords: clinical pictures, diagnosis,..
Respiratory insufficiency
.. is based on physiology, pathophysiology and clinical picture. Respiratory insufficiency: The..
Venereology part 1. 2.
..Clinical symptoms of acqiured syphilis, sexual..
Atlas of Radiological Images
.. of thousands of radiological images grouped into clinical cases with concise description of the case and..
Adhezní spoj a adhezivní systémy I. část
..keywords: adhesive joint, adhesive systems, clinical recom..
The effect of artificial bezoar (bovine gallstone powder) on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer
.. against oxidative stress. Moreover, recent clinical studies suggest that mildly elevated serum..
Contribution of molecular cytogenetic analyses to diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain tumours
.. analyses were correlated with morphological and clinical findings. These analyses were successful in 63..
Lifestyle - nutrition of hygiene and epidemiology
.. of nutritional status History, Clinical examination, Laboratory examinations, Dietary.. .. CSc. Links:
Availability [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Lifestyle -..
The Role of IgA and IgG Classes of anti-tissue Transglutaminase in Coeliac Screening
.. coeff. were 0.607 and 0.423 respectively. The clinical benefit of IgG atTG antibodies determination..
Exocrine Pancreatic Function Test 13C-Mixed Triglyceride Breath Test
.. be well diagnosed by histopathology, but for clinical purposes, differential diagnostics and patient.. .. of fecal elastase-1 in relation to new clinically oriented classification of chronic..