Collecting of mycological skin specimens
This chapter shows the collecting of skin scrapings, nail debris and hairs for mycological examination. First, the lesion is cleaned by 70% alcohol to remove the contaminating molds. Scales are scraped from the active margin of the lesion. A fairly large amount of material is required for proper examination. In onychomycosis, thescrapings are taken from under the nail plate.
Venereology part 1. 2.
.. syphilis, sexual transmitted infections, skin disease in AIDS, florid secondary syphilis in.. .. symptoms of acqiured syphilis, sexual transmitted.. .. sexual transmitted infections, skin disease in AIDS, florid secondary syphilis in patient with HIV.. ..keywords: ulcus molle, lymphogranuloma venereum, skin manifestations of.. ..keywords: ulcus molle, lymphogranuloma venereum, skin manifestations of.. ..keywords: lymphogranuloma venereum, skin manifestations of.. ..keywords: lymphogranuloma venereum, skin manifestations of AIDS..
.. and therapy of superficial mycoses of the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. A.. .. the clinical pictures, diagnosis and therapy of superficial mycoses of the skin, hair, nails and..
Venerologie - část 1., 2.
.. sexuálně přenosné infekce, kožní příznaky AIDS. Seznamuje s druhy, průběhy a statistikami n..
Clinical pictures of dermatomycoses
.. clinical pictures of superficial mycoses of the skin, nails and hair, together with principal.. .. presentation shows clinical pictures of superficial mycoses of the skin, nails and hair,.. .. citlivé* [?]
Clinical pictures of dermatomycoses
Podklady pro prezentaci Strategie integrovaného vedení dětských onemocnění (IMCI)
.. onemocnění (IMCI – Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) vypracované Světovou z.. .. a malnutrice. Pro země s vysokým výskytem HIV/AIDS vyvinuly WHO a UNICEF v roce 2006 verzi..