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Materials for Lectures

Serum bilirubin as a predictor of oxidative stress-mediated diseases

Author: Libor Vítek

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Bilirubin, the principle bile pigment, is the end product of heme catabolism. For many years, bilirubin was thought to have no physiological function other than that of a waste product of heme catabolism – useless at best and toxic at worst. Although hyperbilirubinemia in neonates has been shown to be neurotoxic, studies performed during the past decade have found that bilirubin has a number of new and interesting biochemical and biological properties. In addition, there is now a strong body of evidence suggesting that bilirubin may have a beneficial role in preventing oxidative changes in a number of diseases including atherosclerosis and cancer, as well as a number of inflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative diseases. 

Autonomic Nervous system - overview

Author: Mikuláš Mlček

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Animated scheme of the Autonomic control of body functions. Turn information on or off for step-by-step study or self - testing. The autonomic nervous system (ANS or visceral nervous system or involuntary nervous system) is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, diameter of the pupils, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Whereas most of its actions are involuntary, some, such as breathing, work in tandem with the conscious mind.

Lifestyle - nutrition of hygiene and epidemiology

Author: Eva Kudlová

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Importance of breastfeeding. Physiology of breastfeeding. Feeding recommendations for young infants and young children. Infant and young child feeding: Importance of breastfeeding. Physiology of breastfeeding. Feeding recommendations for young infants and young children. Dietary guidelines for the prevention of civilization diseases. Food pyramid. Assessment of nutritional status History, Clinical examination, Laboratory examinations, Dietary intake, Recommended daily allowances. Malnutrition: Overview of most important nutrient deficiencies related diseases. Alternative diets: Characteristics and evaluation of selected types of alternative diets. etc.

Further reading: The optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
WHO 2001.
This report of an expert consultation summarizes the objectives of the consultation as well as the findings, and recommendations for practice and research.

Oxygen consumption estimation (animation)

Author: Mikuláš Mlček, Vladimír Hrachovina, Otomar Kittnar

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One-page interective animation (Flash) explaining how to estimate O2 consumption from Minute Ventilation (measured) and O2 concentration in expired air (measured). The Physiology lab procedure "Metabolic rate measurement" is based on this principle. Measurement of the rate of oxygen consumption provides a simple, versatile and powerful tool for estimating the rate of heat release in fire experiments and fire tests. The method is based on the generalization that the heats of combustion per unit of oxygen consumed are approximately the same for most fuels commonly encountered in fires.

Introduction to Biological Psychiatry

Author: Zdeněk Fišar

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Biological psychiatry occupies itself by mental disorders from biological, chemical and physical point of view. It is postulated that changes in brain signal transmission are essential in development of mental disorders. The purpose of this teaching material is to describe cellular and molecular properties of neurons, mechanisms of psychotropic drugs action and biological basis of mental disorders. Familiarity with biochemistry and physiology is supposed.

Introduction to first aid

Author: Jana Heczková

Úvodní lekce první pomoci pro 1. ročník studentů všeobecného lékařství anglické paralélky


First lesson of first aid for 1st year students of general medicine and 2nd year students of dentistry


BLS in special circumstances

Author: Jana Heczková

Neodkladná KPR ve zvláštích případech (obstrukce dýchacích cest cizím tělesemí, tonutí, různé způsoby ventilace) pro první ročník studentů všeobecného lékařství a druhý ročník studentů stomatologie anglické paralelky 1.LF UK

Introduction to first aid

Author: Jana Heczková

Úvodní lekce první pomoci pro 1. ročník studentů všeobecného lékařství anglické paralélky

Basic Life Support

Author: Jana Heczková

Neodkladná KPR pro studenty 1. ročníku všeobecného lékařství anglické paralélky.

Paediatric BLS

Author: Jana Heczková

Základní KPR u dětí pro studenty 1. ročníku všeobecného lékařství anglické paralélky.