Introduction to Biological Psychiatry

Biological psychiatry occupies itself by mental disorders from biological, chemical and physical point of view. It is postulated that changes in brain signal transmission are essential in development of mental disorders. The purpose of this teaching material is to describe cellular and molecular properties of neurons, mechanisms of psychotropic drugs action and biological basis of mental disorders. Familiarity with biochemistry and physiology is supposed.

MS PowerPoint presentation of lectures on psychiatry for students of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague: History; General Psychopathology; Mood Disorders; Schizophrenia; Paraphilias; Child Psychiatry; Biochemistry; Psychopharmacology; Organic Mental Disorders; Neurotic Disorders; Personality Disorders; Substance Abuse; Affective Disorders, Suicidia; Acute Psychotic Disorders; Somatoform Disorders; Forensic Psychiatry; Psychoactive Drugs. Test of knowledge included.