Exocrine Pancreatic Function Test 13C-Mixed Triglyceride Breath Test
.. exocrine pancreatic function - breath test with 13C-mixed triglycerides (MTG-BT). libators, the mean.. .. of Glyceryl-1,3-dioctadecanoate-2-octanoate-1-13C, 13C:12C ratio was analysed by infrared Isomax.. ..keywords: function, Chronic pancreatitis, Breath test, Stable isotope 13C, Mixed triglyceride, Fecal.. ..keywords: Chronic pancreatitis, Breath test, Stable isotope 13C, Mixed triglyceride, Fecal.. ..keywords: pancreatitis, Breath test, Stable isotope 13C, Mixed triglyceride, Fecal elastase,diagnostic.. .. Exocrine Pancreatic Function Test 13C-Mixed Triglyceride Breath Test
Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of 13C-Breath Test Evaluated by NDIRS Infrared Spectrometry
.. of the 13C-breath-test(BT) evaluated by means of isotope selective nondispersive infrared.. .. pre-and post-analytical aspects of the 13C-breath-test(BT) evaluated by means of isotope.. .. BT have been performed since 2002: 53 tests with 13C-xylose, 161 with 13C-mixed triglyceride, and 286.. ..keywords: Infrared spectrometry, Breath test, 13C/12C ratio.. .. Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of 13C-Breath Test Evaluated by NDIRS Infrared..