Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of 13C-Breath Test Evaluated by NDIRS Infrared Spectrometry
This study summarizes pre-and post-analytical aspects of the 13C-breath-test(BT) evaluated by means of isotope selective nondispersive infrared spectrometry(NDIRS) -Isomax 4000 (Isodiagnostika). Moreover, the sources of inaccuracy in test results are identified: (a) uncertain baseline 13C abundance, (b) inaccuracy of the spectrometer, and (c) uncertainty in CO2production, which also burden cummulative BT where IR/IRMS measuring instruments are used.
Výpočetní zpracování obrazů v nukleární medicíně
..klíčová slova: historie, scintigrafie, emisní tomografie, SPECT, PET, kombinované zobrazení, hybridní zobrazení, ..